Kidunified | Mission: Inclusion Puzzle

Created by Kidunified / Ashley Ferraro Kizis

A learning resource to teach what belonging is all about — with many cultures, ethnicities, disabilities, and gender expressions

Latest Updates from Our Project:

45% Backed! 13 Days Left!
10 months ago – Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 11:17:09 AM

Many of you have messaged me letting me know how much you enjoy watching the backer pledges climb. Thank you; I enjoy these notes so much. Kidunified’s campaign in now 45% backed, thanks to you!

As of today, there are only 13 days left in the campaign, and to get these puzzles into production!

With Black Friday around the corner, it reminds of supporting small businesses. If you have a friend who likes to “shop small” or “support local” will you kindly let them know about Kidunified’s Mission: Inclusion puzzle for kids?

Here is the link for easy use:

Thank you for sharing in the excitement!


It's Mid-Campaign + the Momentum Continues!
10 months ago – Wed, Nov 08, 2023 at 09:37:26 AM

It has been really nice connecting with so many folks whom I have met throughout Kidunified’s journey over the past >2 years, and meeting new ones too – yourselves included!

This week, I will be wrapping up a 3-part mini-series of Kickstarter FAQs to familiarize more folks to the platform, on LinkedIn.  I’ve been including these reels on Instagram/Facebook too. Just in case anyone asks you about Kickstarter, they are a very easy-to-understand resource.

Which brings me to an update: it’s mid-campaign and momentum continues!  As of this moment, Kidunified is 39% backed!  Hooray!  There is just less than 3 weeks to go (20 days) for folks to place their puzzle pre-orders.  

You can help continue this momentum and share the opportunity with great people!  

Think of folks in your network who value inclusive educational resources for children (e.g. parents, educators, librarians, psychologists, occupational therapists, paediatric/pediatric care providers, grandparents...).  Please send them this link:

You can also share the below image of the Kidunified Mission: Inclusion puzzle in your emails, on your social media, or as your profile image on Kickstarter!

Thank you for being a backer on this journey!


Kidunified Mission: Inclusion 100-Piece Puzzle Set with Activity

Awesome Start! We are well on our way. Thank you!
10 months ago – Thu, Nov 02, 2023 at 05:55:12 PM

Thank you all so much!  We have come a very far way in such little time already.

Project We Love

I received a note from Kickstarter last night -- they have name Kidunified | Puzzles with a Purpose, a "Project We Love"!  This badge/distinction isn't given to every project.  It is reserved for "brilliant creativity".  So much love, sweat, detail and thoughtfulness has been put into the the Mission: Inclusion puzzle by so many folks, it is really rewarding to have this recognized by others -- including yourselves!  You'll see a green badge beneath our campaign project photo, and the one above on social media :)

Thanks to you, we are 21% funded!   

Our campaign has 27 days left, so please continue to share the link to our campaign with other folks you know.  


With appreciation,
