Kidunified | Mission: Inclusion Puzzle

Created by Kidunified / Ashley Ferraro Kizis

A learning resource to teach what belonging is all about — with many cultures, ethnicities, disabilities, and gender expressions

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Kidunified Mission: Inclusion puzzle update + surveys coming...
9 months ago – Fri, Dec 08, 2023 at 09:23:31 AM

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for reading this message...if your inbox looks anything like mine...there are a lot of festive emails competing for your time.  So, once again - thank you!

Update: In the next week or so, you’ll receive an email from Kidunified with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since we need this information to fulfill your rewards.

BackerKit is the integration tool I have been installing, to assist with the backend transition from Kickstarter to Fulfillment. 

You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. When you receive the email with the survey, click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like. You don’t have access to this survey link yet, but it will be available soon via email.

Have a great weekend!


Great news...we are fully funded! With 85 minutes to go!
9 months ago – Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 07:37:21 AM

Thank you all so much for backing Kidunified's Mission: Inclusion puzzle for kids!  Thanks to your pledges and pre-orders, this beautiful puzzle will be heading into production! 

I have already been in contact with the manufacturer to sign off on e-proofs for a sample.  You can imagine I will be checking the mailbox very closely in the upcoming weeks!

For the next few days, I will be busy behind-the-scenes integrating software that will allow me to keep updating you through a different platform (specifically for this kind of transition from campaign to post-campaign).  It will also allow me to send you a survey to ensure I have the correct mailing address for your puzzles in due course.  Additionally, you can stay even more up to date with all things Kidunified (and the many plans I have for the future) on instagram @kidunified!  

Your belief in the mission to create puzzles that children feel represented in has truly helped to make Kidunified's mission possible.  

With much appreciation,


Just Funded

PS Feel free to share this photo on your platforms too!

A little campaign update : 93% backed with 40 hours to go
9 months ago – Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 06:12:55 PM

Quick update for a chilly (in Ontario, Canada) Monday night... :)

The campaign is now counting down in hours for me rather than days (gulp..!) so, I am really getting excited.  I appreciate the emails and messages cheering this campaign onward!  

There are so many wonderful people who have been a part of the creation of our latest puzzle, Mission: Inclusion.  

I wanted to bring your attention to our Community Review Committee. These folks volunteered their time to help ensure the beautiful illustration represented as many kiddos as possible.  The CRC members either they themselves, or their children, identify with the Kidfolk characters.  Their input is truly invaluable -- all 8 of them!  Kidunified wouldn't be as strong without them!  Thank you, CRC!

40 Hours Left to back our Kickstarter Campaign!  It is now 93% Funded!

Much thanks to all of you following along,


Quote from Kidunified's Mission: Inclusion Puzzle's Community Review Committee Member

Important Message: if you are "Following" the Campaign, you have not "Backed" it
10 months ago – Sun, Nov 26, 2023 at 07:05:50 AM

Two backers each messaged me the other day, to let me know that they thought they had "backed" the campaign; however, the were in fact just "following" it. 

The difference is: an email from Kickstarter.  

You will receive an email that looks like this, once you have officially backed the campaign.  Folks who have "followed" the campaign are not calculated in the funding pledges/as Backers.  

Please check for an email like this:

Email you will receive once you have Backed the campaign

Many thanks for this extra step!  I believe the vast majority of Backers to Kidunified are new to Kickstarter, so I really appreciate you learning this new method of pre-ordering our amazing puzzle!

We are 80% Funded with 3 Days Left!!  Thank you for sharing the campaign with your networks!

 Kidunified Puzzle for Kids Link 

Kidunified is Newsworthy + 70% Backed!
10 months ago – Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 08:59:35 AM

Kickstarter included Kidunified in their newsletter (sent out last night!).  It's exciting for creators like me, as solo-entrepreneurs rarely have their hard work validated by the outside world! Any extra push to get our campaign in front of others is much appreciated.

Thank you to all the new Backers!  The Backers who have been telling their friends (e.g. like *K, who told someone at her book club, who then also found the beauty in Kidunified's puzzles for their work in child wellness, backed the campaign and purchased our original puzzle from our website).  The backer/customer is so, so powerful in helping to share our mission -- thank you for sharing this project!

The countdown has started -- 7 days to go until the end of the campaign.  We are 70% backed!  

Always feel free to share any of our images and content with your networks, included these. 

Have a great day!


Mission: Inclusion Puzzle Set with Nearly Funded Badge
Nearly Funded

PS Special thanks to the super talented Christine Lieu for designing these images for Kidunified!